EPIC Industrial Quantum Photonics Technology Summit at the University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow Glasgow

The EPIC Industrial Quantum Photonics Technology Summit brings together the European quantum industry ecosystem to commercialize upcoming products from the current R&D initiatives. The event gathers experts and leaders from industrial companies worldwide to discuss the second quantum revolution, its applications, and challenges. We will discuss the four primary application areas in which a paradigm …

D+I Innovation Awards 2022

Real Fábrica de Tapices Calle Fuenterrabía, 2, Madrid, Madrid

El 10 de noviembre, a las 18.00, en la Real Fábrica de Tapices tejeremos de nuevo una tupida red de networking entre emprendedores, CIOs y equipos de innovación, multinacionales tecnológicas, startups, Administración Pública, aceleradoras, capital riesgo y todos los actores con la entrega de los D+I Innovation Awards 2022. Después del éxito de la primera edición, …

Apuesta todo por la IA: Ética de IA, Quantum y redes neuronales GANs

El 29 de noviembre a las 19:10h, Antón Makarov y Alexander Benítez de GMV participan en este Meetup de IA organizado por IBM con una intervención sobre el caso de uso que están trabajando dentro del Proyecto CUCO: computación cuántica para optimizar la adquisición de imágenes por satélite. Dentro del campo de la observación de …

QCTIP Quantum Computing Theory in Practice

Jesus College, University of Cambridge CB1 1LB, Cambridge

Quantum Computing devices have made remarkable progress over the past five years. Multiple groups have demonstrated noisy intermediate noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) devices and algorithms. We’re now at the beginning of the path toward large error corrected quantum computers. At QCTiP 2023 we will build a deeper understanding of: How today’s devices are enabling …

QUANTUMatter 2023

Fundación Pablo VI (Espacio Pablo VI) Paseo de Juan XXIII, 3, Madrid, Madrid

The 3rd edition of the Quantum Matter International Conference – QUANTUMatter 2023 (Madrid, Spain)– aims at gathering the various communities engaged in the science and technologies of quantum information and quantum matter, to foster the incubation of new ideas & collaborations at the forefront of quantum technologies, emerging quantum materials and novel generations of quantum …

ICE-8 Quantum Information in Spain

University of Santiago de Compostela Lope Gómez de Marzoa Street, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña

Quantum Information in Spain (ICE) is the conference of the Spanish Network on Quantum Information and Quantum Technologies RITCE (RED2018-102707-E) that provides an anual meeting point for the community also with international researchers working in the field, with emphasis in giving visibility for junior researchers to present their work. ICE-8 covers all main aspects in the field …

QBN Meeting on Quantum Computing & Applications

Barcelona Supercomputing Center Plaça Eusebi Güell, 1-3, Barcelona

The working group meeting is hosted by Qilimanjaro and Quantum Spain on 14th and 15th June 2023 in Barcelona, Spain. The first day of the event will focus on Superconducting Qubit Technology and HPC Integration and the second day is devoted to User Access, Benchmarking & Use Cases in Energy & Finance. The event will include a …

26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – ITSC 2023

Bilbao Bilbao

Quantum Computing is considered as the next frontier in computing, and it is attracting a lot of attention from the current scientific community. These technologies introduce new mechanisms, based on quantum mechanics, to solve a wide variety of problems more efficiently: from those traditionally solved by means of machine learning and optimization, to simulation. By …


Fira de Barcelona Gran Via Av. Joan Carles I, 64, 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Un evento pionero que explora las fronteras de la tecnología exponencial, tomará la escena mundial del 7 al 9 de noviembre en el recinto de Gran Via de Fira de Barcelona. Organizado por MATTER con el apoyo del Gobierno español, la Generalitat de Cataluña y el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, el evento profundizará en una serie …

Quantum Energy Initiative Workshop 2023

Singapur NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House

Launched in August 2022, the Quantum Energy Initiative aims to foster a worldwide community of experts caring about the physical resource cost of emerging quantum technologies, and willing to develop scientific approaches to estimate and minimize these costs. Addressing these questions mandates to put in synergy a broad range of expertises, from fundamental quantum physics to enabling technologies, from hardware to …

IDEAL 2023

Universidad de Évora Évora

La 24ª Conferencia Internacional sobre “Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning” (IDEAL) es una conferencia internacional anual dedicada a temas emergentes y desafiantes en el análisis inteligente de datos, la minería de datos y sus sistemas y paradigmas de aprendizaje asociados. La conferencia ofrece una oportunidad única y un foro estimulante para presentar y debatir …