Partner | BBVA |
Title | Multiobjective variational quantum optimization for constrained problems: an application to cash handling |
Authors | Pablo Díez-Valle and Jorge Luis-Hita and Senaida Hernández-Santana and Fernando Martínez-García and Álvaro Díaz-Fernández and Eva Andrés and Juan José García-Ripoll and Escolástico Sánchez-Martínez and Diego Porras |
Journal | Quantum Science and Technology |
Year | 2023 |
Volume | 8 |
Number | 4 |
Pages | 45009 |
DOI | 10.1088/2058-9565/ace474 |
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Abstract | Combinatorial optimization problems are ubiquitous in industry. In addition to finding a solution with minimum cost, problems of high relevance involve a number of constraints that the solution must satisfy. Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) have emerged as promising candidates for solving these problems in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum stage. However, the constraints are often complex enough to make their efficient mapping to quantum hardware difficult or even infeasible. An alternative standard approach is to transform the optimization problem to include these constraints as penalty terms, but this method involves additional hyperparameters and does not ensure that the constraints are satisfied due to the existence of local minima. In this paper, we introduce a new method for solving combinatorial optimization problems with challenging constraints using VQAs. We propose the multi-objective variational constrained optimizer (MOVCO) to classically update the variational parameters by a multiobjective optimization performed by a genetic algorithm. This optimization allows the algorithm to progressively sample only states within the in-constraints space, while optimizing the energy of these states. We test our proposal on a real-world problem with great relevance in finance: the cash handling problem. We introduce a novel mathematical formulation for this problem, and compare the performance of MOVCO versus a penalty based optimization. Our empirical results show a significant improvement in terms of the cost of the achieved solutions, but especially in the avoidance of local minima that do not satisfy any of the mandatory constraints. |
Partner | GMV |
Title | Quantum Optimization Methods for Satellite Mission Planning |
Authors | Makarov, Antón and Pérez-Herradón, Carlos and Franceschetto, Giacomo and Taddei, Márcio M. and Osaba, Eneko and del Barrio Cabello, Paloma and Villar-Rodriguez, Esther and Oregi, Izaskun |
Journal | IEEE Access |
Year | 2024 |
Volume | 12 |
Pages | 71808-71820 |
DOI | 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3402990 |
Link | |
Abstract | Satellite mission planning for Earth observation satellites is a combinatorial optimization problem that consists of selecting the optimal subset of imaging requests, subject to constraints, to be fulfilled during an orbit pass of a satellite. The ever-growing amount of satellites in orbit underscores the need to operate them efficiently, which requires solving many instances of the problem in short periods of time. However, current classical algorithms often fail to find the global optimum or take too long to execute. Here, we approach the problem from a quantum computing point of view, which offers a promising alternative that could lead to significant improvements in solution quality or execution speed in the future. To this end, we study a planning problem with a variety of intricate constraints and discuss methods to encode them for quantum computers. Additionally, we experimentally assess the performance of quantum annealing and the quantum approximate optimization algorithm on a realistic and diverse dataset. Our results identify key aspects like graph connectivity and constraint structure that influence the performance of the methods. We explore the limits of today’s quantum algorithms and hardware, providing bounds on the problems that can be currently solved successfully and showing how the solution degrades as the complexity grows. This work aims to serve as a baseline for further research in the field and establish realistic expectations on current quantum optimization capabilities. |