GMV promotes quantum computing and emerging technologies at the Burgos Industry 4.0 Technology Meeting
The Industry Track 4.0 Technical Workshops, which are held as part of the Burgos Industry 4.0 Technology Meeting, have become an important forum for analyzing emerging technologies, as the digital transformation of industry continues. During the event, Enrique Crespo, GMV’s Quantum Technologies Solutions Leader, introduced the CUCO project, and he emphasized his company’s commitment to quantum computing as a vector of innovation. With funding from Spain’s Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), the aim of the CUCO project is to advance the state of the art for quantum algorithms, and to carry out proofs of concept in strategic industries such as energy, finance, space, defense, and logistics.
GMV showcases advances in quantum computing projects at D-Wave’s QuBits Conference
Ana María Sánchez Montero, head of the Quantum Computing Section at GMV, participated in the recent QuBits Conference in Boston, organized by D-Wave Quantum Inc. During her presentation, she highlighted the advances and projects GMV is working on in the field of quantum computing, showcasing the innovative CUCO project in Spain as a prime example of their efforts.
GMV takes part in one of Europe’s leading quantum technology events
From 7 to 10 May, the Kursaal Conference Centre and Auditorium in San Sebastián hosted the fourth edition of the Quantum Matter International Conference, Quantum Matter 2024. The goal of the event is to bring together the wide range of communities involved in the science and technology behind quantum information and matter, two revolutionary components in the field of information processing that are playing a key role in helping experts discover and apply paradigms in quantum technologies and computing. The event, one of the largest in Europe in the field of quantum technologies, brought together more than 600 professionals working in this area and was made possible thanks to the joint efforts of the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Phantoms Foundation, and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
GMV presents its quantum computing projects at Quantum CARLA as a leading example of a groundbreaking company
The “Quantum CARLA: Quantum Careers Symposium” event brought together leading experts in quantum computing, including Ana María Sánchez Montero, head of the Quantum Computing Section at GMV. During the Industry Panel, Ana María gave an overview of her exciting professional career: over the course of her 15 years with GMV, she’s gone from working with Earth observation satellites that protect our environment and fight climate change to working in other sectors with different kinds of projects, including in her current role at the Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Division.
GMV Presents its Commitment to Quantum Computing at the ITCL Forum
A group of experts comprising researchers from both academic and business spheres showcased their work in quantum computing at the Campus de Vegazana of the University of León during the ‘Quantum Computing on the Road’ National Forum, demonstrating that these revolutionary projects are becoming increasingly closer to reality. The event, organized by the ITCL Technological Center and the Institute of Business Competitiveness of the Junta de Castilla y León, brought together over 70 participants interested in learning about the advances and challenges of this emerging technology.
GMV showcases advances in using quantum computing to optimize Earth observation satellite imaging
On 23 November, GMV attended the 24th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL) at the University of Évora, where it highlighted its recent progress in harnessing the power of quantum computing to optimize image acquisition from Earth observation satellites.
Un gran proyecto científico-empresarial investiga en computación cuántica para aplicarla en industrias estratégicas
La iniciativa Cuco generará conocimiento de tecnologías cuánticas que permitan resolver problemas que la computación clásica no soluciona de forma eficiente
Qilimanjaro logra las primeras aplicaciones prácticas que gestarán la computación cuántica del futuro
Los algoritmos y procesadores de la ‘spin-off’ ya se combinan con las plataformas informáticas actuales para acelerar los procesos productivos.
Aplicaciones de la computación cuántica | Telos Fundación Teléfonica
La computación cuántica cada vez genera más interés y negocio. Sus aplicaciones se encuentran en un gran número de industrias y sectores que apuestan por la innovación, creando soluciones globales tecnológicas de calidad. Un presente y un futuro muy atractivos. [ ILUSTRACIONES: DAQ ] La comput…
Multiverse Computing Participa en el Proyecto CUCO – Multiverse Computing
Multiverse Computing participa en el Proyecto CUCO, una iniciativa que, tiene como objetivo dar impulso a industrias estratégicas de la economía española (energía, finanzas, espacio, defensa y logística) a través de la #ComputaciónCuántica. Varios profesionales de Multiverse Computing participaron e…
Proyecto CUCO: cómo aplicar los beneficios de la computación cuántica a energía, finanzas o defensa
La computación cuántica es una de esas tecnologías llamadas a transformar el mundo, capaz de dejar obsoletos los ordenadores actuales. Sin embargo aún se desconoce la magnitud de su potencial y su aplicación práctica.
Qilimanjaro consigue cerca de 1M€ en subvenciones
Qilimanjaro, una spin-off de la UB, BSC-CNS e IFAE, consigue cerca de 1M€ en subvenciones del CDTI, Neotec y el programa Misiones.
Arranca en España el primer proyecto de computación cuántica de colaboración público-privada
Representantes de BBVA, Repsol, GMV y Tecnalia cuentan a D+I los detalles del proyecto y sus líneas de investigación para los próximos tres años.
La transformación cuántica encuentra la tecla de la colaboración
Cinco centros de investigación, siete empresas y una universidad alumbran CUCO, el primer gran proyecto público-privado en torno a esta tecnología
Un gran proyecto científico-empresarial investiga en computación cuántica para aplicarla en industrias estratégicas
Un consorcio formado por siete empresas (Amatech, BBVA, DAS Photonics, GMV, Multiverse computing, Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech y Repsol), apoyado por cinco centros de investigación (BSC, CSIC, DIPC, ICFO y Tecnalia), y una universidad pública (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia), pone en marcha el proy…